True Love's romance a brief romance in Hindi

लव का रोमांस हिंदी में एक संक्षिप्त रोमांस है
चौदह वर्ष की आयु में, ऋषि प्राथमिक प्रेम था। ऋषि उस समय आठवीं श्रेणी में थे, हालांकि समकालीन दुनिया में उम्र कम थी, व्यक्तियों को इस उम्र से प्यार है।
ऋषि की यह पुरानी मित्र महिला डब्ल्यूएचओ के साथ अपनी श्रेणी "नीलम" में सीख रही थी। नीलम एक पैसे वाली महिला थी, हो सकता है कि वह तेरह से चौदह साल की हो और देखने में सुंदर थी। नीलम के पिता डीलिंग, स्मार्ट कैश वाले व्यक्तियों की संपत्ति थे।
ऋषि मन मनिलम को दिल दे रहा था लेकिन मैं इसका उल्लेख करने से हमेशा डरता था। ऋषि के पिता एक कॉलेज के दौरान ट्यूटर थे। उनका परिवार अतिरिक्त रूप से पारंपरिक था, इसलिए, ऋषि को चिंता के लिए प्यार नहीं था।
चलो स्नेह के ऋषि की इस गंदी आदत को समाप्त करें। ऋषि ने स्कूल न जाने के दौरान हाई स्कूल की यात्रा करने के लिए नए बहाने बनाए, हालाँकि आजकल मैं समय-समय पर तैयार किए जा रहे हाई स्कूल ग्यारह में आ गया हूँ। बूढ़े लोगों ने सोचा कि बच्चा बढ़ रहा है लेकिन बेटे का दिल किसी और जगह पर अटक गया था।
समय इस तरह से बीत गया ... हालांकि ऋषि नीर ने विशिष्ट प्रेम की हिम्मत की, और इसलिए अकेले लिया गया नीलम देखें। आम तौर पर मैं उनमें से प्रत्येक में केवल अध्ययन के विषय पर बोलने का आदी रहा हूं .. ऋषि हिम्मत नहीं कह सके।
समय बीत गया, आठवीं पास, नौवीं पास ... वर्तमान में दसवीं पास हो गई थी लेकिन इच्छाशक्ति अभी भी दिल के भीतर थी।
आज कॉलेज का लास्ट जजमेंट था। ऋषि का मन दुखी था कि शायद मैं नीलम को शायद ही देख पाऊं क्योंकि ऋषि के पिता को इसे विशाल नगर ग्यारहवें दसवें के अंदर दिखाने के लिए भेजने की जरूरत थी।
कॉलेज के लास्ट जजमेंट पर, सभी चूडिय़ां एक-दूसरे को उत्तेजित कर रही थीं, अपनी यादों को साझा कर रही थीं। नीलम आजकल अपने दोस्तों के साथ बहुत खुश थी। हर कोई आनंद ले रहा था, लेकिन अंतिम निर्णय हालांकि ऋषि की आंखों में आंसू थे।
ऋषि चुपचाप चले गए और नीलम के बैग से अपना कॉलेज कार्ड प्राप्त किया। नीलम के कार्ड में एक शानदार आइकन था। ऋषि ने सोचा कि इस आइकन को देखकर, मैं प्यार करने में सक्षम हो जाऊंगा।
पिता ने बैंक से ऋण भेजा और ऋषि को खोजा। नीलम के पिता ने इसके अलावा एक दूसरे शहर में एक विशाल घर डिजाइन किया और वहां शिफ्ट हो गए। ऋषि हमेशा के लिए नीलम से अलग हो गए थे।
समय अपनी गति से आगे बढ़ता गया, ऋषि ने अपनी पढ़ाई पूरी की और यह एक विशाल कंपनी के दौरान काम कर रहा है, इसके अलावा यह एक ईमानदार नियमित भुगतान था लेकिन जीवन में लगातार कमी आई - यही नीलम था .. यहां तक कि एक बार 100000 प्रयास करता है। ऋषि ने नीलम से एक बार फिर मुलाकात की।
True Love's romance a brief romance in Hindi
At the age of fourteen, the sage was the primary love. The sage was within the eighth category at the time, the age was low however in contemporary world, individuals love this age.
This old friend of the sage was with the lady WHO was learning in her category "Neelam". Neelam was a moneyed lady, it might be thirteen to fourteen years old and wonder was lovely in look. Sapphire's father was the property of dealings, individuals with smart cash.
The sage mind was giving heart to Manilam however he was perpetually afraid to mention it. Rishi's father was a tutor during a college. His family was additionally terribly traditional, therefore, the rishi didn't categorical love for worry.
Let's get obviate this dirty habit of the sage of affection. The sage created new excuses to travel to highschool while not visiting school, however nowadays he came to highschool once being prepared from time to time. the oldsters thought the kid was rising however the son's heart was stuck some other place.
The time passed like this ... however the sage ne'er dared to specific love, and therefore the taken solely accustomed see Sapphire. affirmative generally he accustomed speak in each of them however solely on the subject of studies .. Rishi couldn't say the guts.
The time passed, the eighth pass, the ninth pass ... currently the tenth had passed however the will was still within the heart.
Today was the Last Judgement of college The sage's mind was unhappy that maybe he may hardly see Sapphire because the father of the sage needed to send son to show within the massive town once tenth.
On the Last Judgement of college, all the chums were stimulation one another amorously, sharing their reminiscences. Neelam was additionally terribly pleased with his friends nowadays .. everybody was enjoying, that was the Last Judgement however the eyes of the sage were tears.
Rishi went quietly and got his college card from Sapphire bag. There was a stunning icon of Neelam thereon card. Sage thought that by viewing this icon, i will be able to bear in mind my love.
Father sent a loan from the bank and browse out the sage. Neelam's father additionally designed a giant house in another town and shifted there. The sage had currently been separated from Sapphire forever.
The time gone its speed, the sage completed his studies and currently he was additionally operating during a giant company, he was additionally an honest regular payment however there was perpetually a decrease in life - that was Neelam .. Even once 100000 makes an attempt, the sage had ne'er met Sapphire once more.
The villagers married Rishi with a stunning lady and coincidently the name of that girl was additionally sapphire. Whenever the Rishi known as his woman by the name of Neelam, the guts beat beats. Childhood photos emerged before the eyes. He ne'er allowed woman to understand this factor, however still white-haired true love of sapphire.
One day the sage was looking for some files that suddenly he got the card of Sapphire. Seeing the face with the darling of the sapphire written on that, the sage became turned on, so the woman came in and she or he additionally saw that icon.
Wife - WHO is this? simply show Pine Tree State its icon
Sage - Hey Nothing, it had been such a baby in childhood
Wife - Hey, this is often my very own icon, this is often my childhood icon, look, it had been written "Saraswati Convent School" I browse here
The sage with happiness became mad by being attentive to it - what's your photo? i like this lady from childhood significantly
Neelam has currently shown his personal diary to the sage wherever several childhood photos of Sapphire were photographed. Rishi's woman was truly the identical sapphire she white-haired from childhood.
Neelam embraced the tears and love of the sage, as a result of he wasn't from nowadays however from his childhood.
Rishi was repeatedly thanking God !!
Friends, they are saying that love is pure if it's true. Same with the identical sage and sapphire .
ऋषि की यह पुरानी मित्र महिला डब्ल्यूएचओ के साथ अपनी श्रेणी "नीलम" में सीख रही थी। नीलम एक पैसे वाली महिला थी, हो सकता है कि वह तेरह से चौदह साल की हो और देखने में सुंदर थी। नीलम के पिता डीलिंग, स्मार्ट कैश वाले व्यक्तियों की संपत्ति थे।
ऋषि मन मनिलम को दिल दे रहा था लेकिन मैं इसका उल्लेख करने से हमेशा डरता था। ऋषि के पिता एक कॉलेज के दौरान ट्यूटर थे। उनका परिवार अतिरिक्त रूप से पारंपरिक था, इसलिए, ऋषि को चिंता के लिए प्यार नहीं था।
चलो स्नेह के ऋषि की इस गंदी आदत को समाप्त करें। ऋषि ने स्कूल न जाने के दौरान हाई स्कूल की यात्रा करने के लिए नए बहाने बनाए, हालाँकि आजकल मैं समय-समय पर तैयार किए जा रहे हाई स्कूल ग्यारह में आ गया हूँ। बूढ़े लोगों ने सोचा कि बच्चा बढ़ रहा है लेकिन बेटे का दिल किसी और जगह पर अटक गया था।
समय इस तरह से बीत गया ... हालांकि ऋषि नीर ने विशिष्ट प्रेम की हिम्मत की, और इसलिए अकेले लिया गया नीलम देखें। आम तौर पर मैं उनमें से प्रत्येक में केवल अध्ययन के विषय पर बोलने का आदी रहा हूं .. ऋषि हिम्मत नहीं कह सके।
समय बीत गया, आठवीं पास, नौवीं पास ... वर्तमान में दसवीं पास हो गई थी लेकिन इच्छाशक्ति अभी भी दिल के भीतर थी।
आज कॉलेज का लास्ट जजमेंट था। ऋषि का मन दुखी था कि शायद मैं नीलम को शायद ही देख पाऊं क्योंकि ऋषि के पिता को इसे विशाल नगर ग्यारहवें दसवें के अंदर दिखाने के लिए भेजने की जरूरत थी।
कॉलेज के लास्ट जजमेंट पर, सभी चूडिय़ां एक-दूसरे को उत्तेजित कर रही थीं, अपनी यादों को साझा कर रही थीं। नीलम आजकल अपने दोस्तों के साथ बहुत खुश थी। हर कोई आनंद ले रहा था, लेकिन अंतिम निर्णय हालांकि ऋषि की आंखों में आंसू थे।
ऋषि चुपचाप चले गए और नीलम के बैग से अपना कॉलेज कार्ड प्राप्त किया। नीलम के कार्ड में एक शानदार आइकन था। ऋषि ने सोचा कि इस आइकन को देखकर, मैं प्यार करने में सक्षम हो जाऊंगा।
पिता ने बैंक से ऋण भेजा और ऋषि को खोजा। नीलम के पिता ने इसके अलावा एक दूसरे शहर में एक विशाल घर डिजाइन किया और वहां शिफ्ट हो गए। ऋषि हमेशा के लिए नीलम से अलग हो गए थे।
समय अपनी गति से आगे बढ़ता गया, ऋषि ने अपनी पढ़ाई पूरी की और यह एक विशाल कंपनी के दौरान काम कर रहा है, इसके अलावा यह एक ईमानदार नियमित भुगतान था लेकिन जीवन में लगातार कमी आई - यही नीलम था .. यहां तक कि एक बार 100000 प्रयास करता है। ऋषि ने नीलम से एक बार फिर मुलाकात की।
True Love's romance a brief romance in Hindi
At the age of fourteen, the sage was the primary love. The sage was within the eighth category at the time, the age was low however in contemporary world, individuals love this age.
This old friend of the sage was with the lady WHO was learning in her category "Neelam". Neelam was a moneyed lady, it might be thirteen to fourteen years old and wonder was lovely in look. Sapphire's father was the property of dealings, individuals with smart cash.
The sage mind was giving heart to Manilam however he was perpetually afraid to mention it. Rishi's father was a tutor during a college. His family was additionally terribly traditional, therefore, the rishi didn't categorical love for worry.
Let's get obviate this dirty habit of the sage of affection. The sage created new excuses to travel to highschool while not visiting school, however nowadays he came to highschool once being prepared from time to time. the oldsters thought the kid was rising however the son's heart was stuck some other place.
The time passed like this ... however the sage ne'er dared to specific love, and therefore the taken solely accustomed see Sapphire. affirmative generally he accustomed speak in each of them however solely on the subject of studies .. Rishi couldn't say the guts.
The time passed, the eighth pass, the ninth pass ... currently the tenth had passed however the will was still within the heart.
Today was the Last Judgement of college The sage's mind was unhappy that maybe he may hardly see Sapphire because the father of the sage needed to send son to show within the massive town once tenth.
On the Last Judgement of college, all the chums were stimulation one another amorously, sharing their reminiscences. Neelam was additionally terribly pleased with his friends nowadays .. everybody was enjoying, that was the Last Judgement however the eyes of the sage were tears.
Rishi went quietly and got his college card from Sapphire bag. There was a stunning icon of Neelam thereon card. Sage thought that by viewing this icon, i will be able to bear in mind my love.
Father sent a loan from the bank and browse out the sage. Neelam's father additionally designed a giant house in another town and shifted there. The sage had currently been separated from Sapphire forever.
The time gone its speed, the sage completed his studies and currently he was additionally operating during a giant company, he was additionally an honest regular payment however there was perpetually a decrease in life - that was Neelam .. Even once 100000 makes an attempt, the sage had ne'er met Sapphire once more.
The villagers married Rishi with a stunning lady and coincidently the name of that girl was additionally sapphire. Whenever the Rishi known as his woman by the name of Neelam, the guts beat beats. Childhood photos emerged before the eyes. He ne'er allowed woman to understand this factor, however still white-haired true love of sapphire.
One day the sage was looking for some files that suddenly he got the card of Sapphire. Seeing the face with the darling of the sapphire written on that, the sage became turned on, so the woman came in and she or he additionally saw that icon.
Wife - WHO is this? simply show Pine Tree State its icon
Sage - Hey Nothing, it had been such a baby in childhood
Wife - Hey, this is often my very own icon, this is often my childhood icon, look, it had been written "Saraswati Convent School" I browse here
The sage with happiness became mad by being attentive to it - what's your photo? i like this lady from childhood significantly
Neelam has currently shown his personal diary to the sage wherever several childhood photos of Sapphire were photographed. Rishi's woman was truly the identical sapphire she white-haired from childhood.
Neelam embraced the tears and love of the sage, as a result of he wasn't from nowadays however from his childhood.
Rishi was repeatedly thanking God !!
Friends, they are saying that love is pure if it's true. Same with the identical sage and sapphire .
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